
The Goal

I am on a mission. I want to memorize the Bible.

Being familiar with the Bible and memorizing verses here and there is not enough for me. After watching The Book of Eli and tossing the idea around in my head for several months, I've decided to do it. Now, if there are 31,103 verses in the Bible, and I memorize one verse a day, it would take me approximately 85 years to memorize the entire Bible. So, I have decided to memorize two verses a day to cut that time in half. I've decided to use the New Living Translation for my memorization because it flows easily out of my mouth and makes the most sense to me.

I don't plan to be straight laced about it, having to always memorize exactly two verses every day for the next forty-some years, but I do plan to be diligent because I love the Lord and His word. It will be a journey of learning more about God and what He's done as well as meditating on His words. I will by no means allow it to become a mundane habit. This blog is intended to help me document that journey, and possibly inspire others to join me on my mission. 

Feel free to leave a comment reminding me to post if I haven't in a while; I can use all the help I can get.